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How to Give using iGive.com

  1. Start your browser
  2. Goto the iGive.com website. iGive.com
  3. You then need to join/register by filling in YOUR information and the cause you will be supporting is HPP-Choose Hope, Inc (type it in just like that or HPP-Choose Hope, Inc.). If you want to add the toolbar to your browser that is your choice but it is not necessary to use iGive.com,
  4. It should welcome you and if you look at the top right you should see
    Shop/search, My Stores, All Stores, Stats, Cause, Chirps, Tell A Friend, Setting, Logout
    You can tell if you joined/registered correctly by clicking on CAUSES it should show you're the stats for HPP-CHOOSE HOPE, INC. IF it does, you're ready to shop or search the web. IF NOT click on CHANGE MY CAUSES and search for HPP-Choose Hope, Inc. and click on it and it will be your cause. NOW you are ready to give a percentage from your purchases online when you go to the store through iGive.

Here is how to give if you know the store you want to buy from.

  1. Start your browser
  2. Goto the iGive.com website. iGive.com
  3. If you know the store you are going to shop from example Amazon.com
  4. Click on the tab STORE and type in AMAZON. Amazon will be listed below and you can see how much of a percentage from your total purchase will be given to HPP-Choose Hope, Inc.
  5. It will list the store. Now this is important; Click on AMAZON from the list this will take you to Amazon in another window; from there do your shopping and purchase like you would normally do. Check out and then you have donated to HPP-Choose Hope, Inc. Now wasn't that easy?

Here is how to give if you DON'T know the store you want to buy from but are looking for an item

  1. Start your browser
  2. Goto the iGive.com website. iGive.com
  3. Click on the tab SHOP & COMPARE and type in the name of the item you are looking for Example: Women Slipper (the more specific the better); It will list with photos all the women's slipper and a little description about the product. It will also tell you what their donation percentage is from your total purchase. It will also list if that store has any coupons or deals to help you save money.
  4. On the left you will see all the stores in their list that carries the item you are looking for. If you like a specific store click on the name and it will show you all the women's slipper from that store only. If you don't have a favorite store then scroll through the list of slipper to find the one that fits your needs or liking.
  5. When you have selected a store or style you like and want to read more about it click on buy now and that will open a new tab on your browser and take you to that store. IF you don't like what you see or decide you don't want that item you can close that tab and you will be back at iGives list.
  6. If you like what you see then from that open tab shop the store and purchase like you would normally do. When Checking out and you donated to HPP-Choose Hope. Now wasn't that easy. Even if you don't find what you were looking for every Isearch (if you installed the toolbar) at iGive.com raise a penny The important thing to remember is you must shop through the new tab that opens when you either click on the item or store link iGive opens to that store! If you use your browsers and go directly to a store and shop not using iGive first you will not donate any money to HPP-Choose Hope, Inc. It might seem like a little more trouble because it's a new way of shopping but once you get use to it. It's so Easy. You will be surprised how your purchase search and purchase will add up and it won't cause you a thing. Plus the bonus is at the end of the year you can print out your donation and take it off your tax return.


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